Welding symbol basics
Basic weld symbols
The following basic symbols are used in common practice, whether the welding is localized or all around. These symbols represent all welds required, i.e., specified or non-specified, according to the demand.
- Arc and Gas Weld
- Resistance Weld
- Brazing Weld
- Forge Weld
- Thermit Weld
- Induction Weld
- Flow Weld
Welding Symbols-some facts
Below are some facts about the welding symbols that are pretty important to understand the proper language of all the welding symbols:
- While using a specification, process, or other reference with a welding symbol, the reference is placed in the tail,
- In case of welding procedures to be used for welding that are described elsewhere, or a note is given about them, welding symbols can be without references.
- For the use of special process to be used in welding, universally acceptable letters are laid along with the welding symbols.
In case no reference or specified process is needed, tail is not present in the welding symbols.
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